Scaffold DDA
Experiment-driven Labeled and Label-free Quantitative Analysis
Scaffold DDA is Proteome Software's new Quantitative Platform
Analyze iTRAQ/TMT/SILAC data from multiple search engines and Scaffold
Search raw data using Sage or MSFragger*
Quantify differential expression and test for statistical significance
Normalize, roll-up, and interpret biological differences and find sources of technical variation at multiple levels
Derive peptide and protein probabilities with Percolator and use these for FDR thresholding
Download (current version: 6.6.0)
*MSFragger license required; free for academic labsRelease Notes
Core Facilities
Managing a core facility or shared resource department? Need help with gaps in your software pipeline? Want to try new methods like DIA proteomics? Do you need an easy way to share results with your customers?
Need an elegant yet easy to use solution for data processing? Not sure where to begin when starting up a new lab. Let us help take the pressure off setting up a software pipeline so you can focus on the science.